Every writer has a tool, habit, or rule they use to put their best words on paper. Some prefer to shut the internet off while writing, others prefer to write in absolute silence, while some prefer classical music for writing.
George R. R. Martin used the ancient WordStar 4.0 to write the titular Game of Thrones novels, and Maya Angelou rented hotel rooms to write.
Most of the allure of listening to classical music while writing is due to the clarity, repeatability, and ease of zoning into the writing effortlessly without losing focus. There are also no words to distract you, so keeping your thoughts in check is a breeze.
The most attractive benefit of listening to classical music for writing is the improved concentration it offers. The music simply fades into the background, leaving you with your most refined ideas for the task at hand.
We’ve compiled a list of the five best classical albums for inspiration and focus that you can use for every mood, genre, and style of writing you prefer.
Your mood can make or break a writing session. Sometimes you are left staring into a blank screen for hours, fiddling with the backspace key and trying to get your thoughts together. Other times, you are typing away with gusto.
The good news is that classical music eases you into writing. We definitely recommend trying it if you haven’t already. But what is the best classical music for writing?
The various types of classical music are classified according to eras they arose in and became common. And while there is plenty of debate over which genre (medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, etc) is the best for writing, we suggest sticking to something that exemplifies your mood.
For that, there is a ton of classical music to shuffle through.
Luckily, we’ve done most of the heavy lifting for you. Here are the five best classical music pieces for writing.
This Classical Music Mood Album has a great variety from some of the most talented classical composers, such as Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Brahms, and even French composer, Debussy.
If you are new to classical music this is a good album to start with to ensure you find a handful of compositions that stick.
Listening to this composition will allow you to zip through multiple pages without any distraction.
We love the quick sounds and lovely showering of notes from the keyboard and piano. Some key pieces of music on the album have become part of our key signature music for writing.
Three Songs To Get You Started: