Is Playing Classical Music for Babies a Good Idea?

Is Playing Classical Music for Babies a Good Idea

Most people have heard or read in passing about music having an influence on an unborn child. But did you know that it’s not just any kind of music? Kids in the womb are known to respond more to classical music like a Mozart sonata as opposed to a song by, for instance, Adele.

But what is the purpose of playing classical music for babies in the first place? Has it been proven to have any effect on your child’s growth? The answer is a resounding yes.

Exposing a baby to music from an early age gives them an edge over their peers. It enriches your baby’s brain and language development—as well as mental health in general. You should seriously look into introducing your baby to music as early as possible.

The Kinds of Music You Can Play for Babies

The genres of music that you can introduce your child to are many and varied. We all have different kinds of music we prefer—classical, pop, rock, and many, many more. Still, just because a song may represent your favorite kind of music, it doesn’t mean that it is necessarily the best type of music for a baby.

Is Playing Classical Music for Babies a Good Idea

While babies, like all of us, can hear  any kind of song, there’s some criteria to consider when choosing the most ideal type of music to encourage healthy development.

Go for Something Simple

For your baby, the key (no pun intended) to music is to keep things simple. They are new to the world and still learning to process sensory experience. While it may sound simple to you, it’s instructional for little ones. That’s why instrumentals, especially with limited vocals, tend to be better for them.

Not only will they enjoy it better, they will more quickly learn fundamental relationships between the tones and rhythms that allow us to appreciate music in the first place.     

So, when it comes to choosing a song for your baby, go for something simple. A simple melody can both captivate and sooth your child—and, once again, stimulate healthy brain development.

Go for Something Steady

A piece of music that is steady with a good rhythm is excellent for babies. Repetitive rhythms, once memorized, can be anticipated, which can help improve your baby’s overall memory. 

While an odd musical number might get their attention, this isn’t necessarily a good thing. It could just end up agitating your baby as opposed to relaxing and soothing them.

Beats Are Better

As mentioned earlier, you don’t necessarily have to go for music with vocals for your baby. In fact, music with a beat has been proven to be better. While you may enjoy the complicated lyrics of an Eminem rap, for example, your baby can’t do much with it.

It’s easy to find classical music that fits this criteria—something instrumental, with a steady rhythm, and no vocals.

Classical music also has some scientific street cred here. The phenomenon described earlier with unborn babies is known as the Mozart effect. So, if you want to help foster a baby Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is at your service.

Importance of Playing Classical Music for Babies

There is no doubt that classical music is the best option for your baby. Apart from the advantages listed above, here are some other reasons why you should consider it:

It’s Improves Your Baby’s Language Development

The soothing and rhythmic nature of classical music helps with a baby’s language development. It does this by improving their memory skills. These skills are what your baby then applies in the development of their verbal and, later, written capabilities.

It Improves Your Baby’s Physical Health

If you want a healthy baby, classical music is the way to go. The soothing tunes are great for helping baby go to sleep easier. Sleep is so important to a growing baby. It is fundamental to their development. Moreover, classical music has been proven to aid babies that need sleep intervention.

It Improves Your Baby’s Mental Health

As you already know, physical and mental health go hand in hand. A baby who is physically healthy is more likely to exhibit positive mental health. Lack of sleep also plays a role in mental health difficulties. So, with classical music, your baby’s mental health is sure to improve.

Listening to soothing and rhythmic music is also crucial for your baby. It helps your baby to release endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones. This relaxes your baby’s brain, leading to a happy and calm baby. 

It Improves Your Baby’s IQ

The Mozart effect, described earlier, is a phenomenon discovered in babies that were exposed to classical music early. They were found to do better at spatial tasks. This also correlated to these same babies demonstrating a higher IQ.

People who excel in spatial reasoning tend to have better social skills, too. Good social skills also mean better social interactions and an all-round healthier person. Classical music gives your baby an earlier start in all of these.


Playing classical music for your baby is a great way to give them an early start in life. It improves their physical, mental, and all-round long-term health. Parents who expose their children to classical music early have discovered that it comes with many advantages.

Here are some composers that are definitely worth checking out: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Johann Sebastian Bach; and Pyotr Illich Tchaikovsky. With classical music, you’ll discover that your baby has better reasoning skills and is a healthier, happier baby. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with mom and dad partaking in a little classical culture as well.

About the Author Classical Music Pro