A quick search for classical music will show how it has regained popularity in the last few years. We listen to it while we study, work and exercise. After listening to it enough times, you may even want to attend piano lessons or pick up a violin.
Listening to the chord progressions and the intricate tempos made us wonder, why has the interest increased? What are the benefits of playing or listening to classical music? This is what we found.
Playing classical instruments is a skill that takes years to perfect. We wonder why people spend hours practicing and dedicate so much time to improving their skills. Here are the benefits of playing classical music:
Surprisingly, playing a classical instrument can boost your immune system. A robust immune system is crucial because it reduces your body’s chances of contracting diseases. If you do get sick, a strong immune system can fight off the infection, and you’ll recover in no time.
Playing an instrument boosts your immune system by increasing the body’s antibody production, thus strengthening the body’s defense. According to a study, listening to dance music boosts your mood, but playing an instrument boosts your immune system by almost 20%.
While listening to music has neurological benefits, playing classical music has physical benefits, as well.
Speaking of physical health benefits, playing a classical instrument can lower your blood pressure. High stress levels are usually associated with having high blood pressure. High blood pressure is dangerous because it can cause complications such as a heart attack or a stroke. It can also cause kidney failure or coronary artery disease.
Lucky for you, you’ll have less of a chance of developing high blood pressure if you decide to pick up a classical instrument. Taking the time to learn how to play will teach you patience and lower your stress hormones in the process.
According to a study done by the University of California, participants who listened to classical music after performing a problematic arithmetic task had lower blood pressure.
If you’re concerned about your physical health and are looking for a fun way to improve your health, classical music might be the solution you’ve been waiting for. Go ahead and pick up an instrument; you never know the wonders that await you!
You may think that spending an extended period of time around loud instruments is bound to have a terrible effect on your hearing. After all, some people get headaches after listening to an orchestra, now imagine spending hours listening to the same chords repeatedly.
To the contrary, learning how to play an instrument actually improves your hearing. According to a study by Society for Neuroscience (SfN), musicians have better hearing than non-musicians. Playing an instrument trains your ears’ ability to pick out certain sounds and chord progressions. This skill transfers to your everyday skills and teaches your brain to catch sounds with better accuracy.
We know that playing an instrument improves hearing because of how well musicians hear even when they enter their later years. No matter how much they struggle in other areas, they can identify Beethoven’s 5th Symphony or Moonlight Sonata in a heartbeat.
One of the first things you pick up when learning an instrument is sitting in the correct posture. If you want to play perfectly, you need to sit in the perfect pose. Stance runs from the way you position your hands all the way to how you sit. Assuming the correct posture when playing will transfer to how you sit everywhere else.
Piano players are proof that playing an instrument improves spinal posture. If you watch how well professional players sit, you can tell that they don’t suffer from back pain. Instead of slouching over, they spend most of their time with straight backs. If you’re looking for a way to eliminate back pain, maybe learning piano or picking up a violin is the solution for you.
Whether it’s your favorite music or you’re just listening to it as background music, classical music has surprising health benefits. It improves brain power and alleviates symptoms of depression, among other benefits.
Before we get into the mental benefits, we want to cover the physical benefits of listening to this type of music. The music is so soothing that it lowers stress levels, which in turn lowers blood pressure. We’ve already covered the dangers of high blood levels and how reducing your stress hormones is beneficial in the long run.
Also, listening to classical music is excellent for heart health. Most people listen to it when they’re in a relaxed state or when they want to calm down, and it often works. Taking time to slow down and take some deep breaths boosts heart health. A little classical music a day will go a long way.
Most study or work playlists have at least a symphony or two. If you’re looking for something to help you focus while you work, classical music should be your go-to — but how does it work, you ask?
According to a study by French researchers, students who listened to classical music performed better than other students on tests. The reasoning behind the theory was that classical music pulls your brain cells towards one goal (studying in this case), and once you focus on that one thing, you can improve at it.
You’ll be in an even better position if you listen to symphonies without lyrics. No lyrics mean that you can focus on the task without any distractions. Listening to classical music boosts brain power and eliminates distractions. There’s no better way to work or study with music!
Here’s a wonderful playlist that was created for boosting brain power. Over 7 hours of the best classical music for studying or any time you want to listen to something that helps you concentrate better.
Ok, so you’ve listened to classical music for brain power, but now what? The good news is that listening to symphonies improves your memory. Studies show that listening to Bach, Mozart and Beethoven have a positive impact on your retention.
The brain creates memories through repetition. If you repeat a piece of information enough times, the brain encodes the data by turning them into electrical impulses that later build synapses. Memories only become memories once the brain can pull up these synapses at random times.
Classical music improves memory by turning learning into a sensory experience. Your brain is more effective at remembering information that ‘s accompanied by music because it’s easier to turn sensory perceptions into short-term memories. We know that the science might seem complex, but it’s important to remember that soft music will help you remember.
Apart from improving how you learn, listening to your favorite music can also enhance the quality of the work you produce. Listening to beautiful sonatas and passionate sonatas can inspire you to create beautiful pieces. Whether you’re writing a story or bringing a report together, you’ll do it with an extra artistic flair.
Classical makes you feel happier, and that makes you more creative. According to a 2013 study, listening to music increases dopamine secretion. The more joyful you feel the more open your neural pathways become and the higher the quality of your ideas. If you’re feeling stuck without any innovative solutions, you might be one symphony away from the next big idea.
However, tapping into your creative juices only becomes a success if you pick a happy song. A study was done on how happy music affected participants’ thinking process, and it showed that participants only reacted to songs they associated with happiness. You should be careful which songs you listen to because they might make you sad, lowering your productivity and creativity.
We offered the most important answers to the question, “what are the benefits of playing or listening to classical music?” There are other points that are worth mentioning. We could discuss how listening to classical music improves brain function by improving focus, boosting productivity, and providing worthy brain challenges.
It’s also important to mention how it has above-average benefits when it comes to pain relief and sleep intervention. Listening to classical music also improves sleep quality. Academic studies prove that listening and playing soft music has a positive effect on mental health, so why not give it a try?